Right from the start of the school year, I work to create a culture of reading. I am fortunate that the sixth graders coming to me have had independent reading as a part of their reading instruction since kindergarten, so I usually don’t how much work to do in convincing them of the importance of independent reading or in establishing expectations for behavior during this period of class.
But there are usually a handful of students each year that just aren’t into reading and need to be won over. These are the students that can’t find a book they are interested in, even after you’ve already talked with them and tried to help them find books. These are the students who are constantly browsing the bookshelf for a new book when they should be reading.
Here's five things you can do when students say they can't find a book they want to read. Or better yet, five things you can do to prevent students from ever saying that they can't find a book for independent reading.